August 2011

SEXYBLACK FIRST LOOK EXCLUSIVE: Red Tails Trailer starring Cuba Gooding Jr. & Terrence Howard

2011-08-01T08:46:00-04:00August 1st, 2011|First Look, Movies, Ne-Yo, Trailer|

Finally, we have a release date.... Thank you George Lucas.  This movie has been a long time in the making and was completed almost two years ago.  Finally, it is coming out.  The retelling of the real life story of the Tuskegee Airmen.  The movie by the same name was also pretty impressive.Sniped from Guavaleaf. [...]

July 2011

SEXYBLACK FIRST LOOK EXCLUSIVE: New Year’s Eve Trailer starring E’ryone!

2018-05-16T20:29:00-04:00July 27th, 2011|First Look, Halle Berry, Movies, Trailer|

Video: 'New Year's Eve' movie trailerNotable:  This is from the same people who brought you Valentine's Day -- also starring Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Biel.  Halle Berry was supposed to be Katherine Heigl's character, but because of her nasty custody hearings had to take the lesser role as a Nurse.  This will be Lea Michele's [...]

April 2011

February 2011

January 2011

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