June 2011

I rest my case…

2018-05-16T20:29:03-04:00June 1st, 2011|Beyonce, Performance|

I have certain friends, one of which is actually a singer, who says Beyonce can't sing.  Well, um...Jay-Z Films Beyonce Rehearsing “1+1″ Backstage @... by thehiphopconsultant...let's just consider the case closed.For those who can't get enough... here's the actual American Idol Performance that she was rehearsing for:

May 2011

April 2011

PRINCE rocks George Lopez

2011-04-14T20:09:00-04:00April 14th, 2011|Performance, Prince|

Go to the 4:00 mark to see Prince perform my second favorite Prince song of all time, "The Beautiful Ones".  Prepare to be blessed.P2114142157 by yardie4lifever2Big ups to Sheila E. who is featured in the last performance.  This man is STILL amazing.  I wish I could go to his show.

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