I recently helped to back the Kickstarter, crowd-funded feature film, Wish I Was Here, by Zach Braff & his brother. It was an AMAZING success. It takes the studio influence on the art out of the picture and returns it to the artists. Studios only become engaged in the distribution part, which means we get complete projects that stay true to the artist’s vision.
I recently helped fund a Reading Rainbow Outreach campaign by Levar Burton that had a goal of $1,000,000 in 30 days. Because of their video and what they were pledging to do with Reading Rainbow, they reached $2,500,000 in like 3 days. It was crazy!
Wish I Was Here was fantastic, and I can say that I was a part of that success. But to get people involved in your creative idea, you have to be equally creative. It’s too late to fund Night of the Living Deb, but this is probably the best Kickstarter Campaign video I have ever seen. Check it out:
Kickstarter success will also bring you Kung Fury:
Hella awesome.
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